Bridesmaid Bouquet
Our Bridesmaid Bouquets are always the perfect accent to the bridal! We take each season and every client into account when sourcing the most beautiful blooms and foliage!
During check out you can fill out your color choices under “Special Requests” and we will use our artistic judgement to incorporate them into your designs! You can also request a wildflower design here as well!
Blooms will vary slightly depending on what is in season and available to us at the time.
Please note: Habitat florists take an artistic approach to floral design — every floral piece is one of a kind. The flower varieties may vary slightly from what's pictured, to ensure you receive the freshest blooms!
Our Bridesmaid Bouquets are always the perfect accent to the bridal! We take each season and every client into account when sourcing the most beautiful blooms and foliage!
During check out you can fill out your color choices under “Special Requests” and we will use our artistic judgement to incorporate them into your designs! You can also request a wildflower design here as well!
Blooms will vary slightly depending on what is in season and available to us at the time.
Please note: Habitat florists take an artistic approach to floral design — every floral piece is one of a kind. The flower varieties may vary slightly from what's pictured, to ensure you receive the freshest blooms!
Our Bridesmaid Bouquets are always the perfect accent to the bridal! We take each season and every client into account when sourcing the most beautiful blooms and foliage!
During check out you can fill out your color choices under “Special Requests” and we will use our artistic judgement to incorporate them into your designs! You can also request a wildflower design here as well!
Blooms will vary slightly depending on what is in season and available to us at the time.
Please note: Habitat florists take an artistic approach to floral design — every floral piece is one of a kind. The flower varieties may vary slightly from what's pictured, to ensure you receive the freshest blooms!